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What does Social Media mean to me?

February 11, 2010

Adam Vincenzini asked people to tell him what they thought their definition of social media was in 140 characters or less on his blog or on twitter. After reviewing all the posts and tweets, I have chosen three that I find best describe social media to me.

@EmilyCagle Adapt, answer, broadcast, collaborate, communicate, connect, create, engage, follow, lead, learn, listen, question, share

This definition is appropriate because every word here goes along perfect with social media. Adapt is needed for this because as users we adapt to changes made in social networking. Answer is good because people can go to social media for answers in a quick way. Broadcast is perfect because everything is social media is broadcasted and made public for the public. Collaborate is everything coming together and this goes for how everything can be tied into one source of technology now a days. Connect is the connection or bond you have with others through these media channels. Create is the creative side to social media, there are no restrictions or limits. Engage is being apart of it, participating and encouraging it. Follow and lead go hand-in-hand; we could even use follow meaning twitter. Learn is learning to be able to use all media channels. Listen is important because listening reveals new insights. Questioning can be used for credibility. Lastly is share, and this is sharing everything around you through media.

JasonPeck social media is the platforms, tools and content that enable quicker, deeper and more personal connections, communication and collaboration

This definition is more to the point but it hits all the necessary aspects of social media. The tools and content enable us as users to more advanced technology and resources. Quicker, deeper, and more personal connections goes along with the trust you create by using social networking or monitoring the social media. Quicker also goes with faster information on hand and deeper means you can find out more than you think you can through media channels. Communication and collaboration are needed in social media, because social media is a form of communication that collaborates within other channels.

HowellMarketing SM doesnt replace traditional communications; it is multi-channels to leverage and distribute mass data to unlimited, global audience

I like the fact that this person used the word replace. Often time’s people who do not use social media as often as others might feel as if they are not being provided with the most up to date news through the media channels they are used to using. But in all reality nothing has been replaced, social media has just been revamped. It does provide multiple channels to distribute to a global audience. I like how this person also used global because global reminds me of reaching a lot of people.

My definition of social media in 140 characters or less is: “Social media is the quicker communication outlet to share and listen, collaborating with web 2.0, news and technology, accessible to anyone.”

Blog Comments

January 21, 2010

Comments are significant to bloggers, because it lets the original blogger know that someone is reading what they have posted. Comments are also beneficial because sometimes a comment may lead to another whole blog post, it can be as if a comment can trigger another idea. Commenting on someone else’s blog is also a good way to get your name out there for others to read your blog. By tracking and keeping up with comments can help to introduce you to new bloggers or view some individual’s blogs that you have never read before.

Caroline Middlebrook is a frequent blogger, who chose to make this a part of her everyday life by quitting her job in 2007 to make money blogging. Here is a post from Caroline about blog commenting strategies:

Another reason why it is important to comment on blogs is because it lets to original blogger know that people are reading what you write. Joseph Scott blogged that sometimes blog comments are what really makes the post and that the blog itself minus the comments is only half of the blog.

Darren Rowse gives 10 Techniques to get more comments on your blog, that I found could be helpful if you are interested in increasing the amount of people who comment on your blog.


  1.  Invite comments.
  2. Ask Questions.
  3. Be Open Ended.
  4. Interact with comments left.
  5. Set Boundaries.
  6. Be humble.
  7. Be gracious.
  8. Be controversial.
  9. ‘Reward’ Comments.
  10. Make it easy to comment.

Please refer to Darren’s post for me details and explanation on his top ten techniques!

  • It is important to make sure your comment is appropriate for the post, also to make sure its friendly and will not come across as offensive to anyone.
  • Make sure your comment has a purpose, don’t comment just to be commenting- say what you are wanting but keep it appropriate!
  • Lastly, remember sometimes people can misinterpret the tone of things when they are written, so make sure the tone of your comment is appropriate.

What to Wear to an Interview

February 23, 2010

In my opinion job interview attire is probably the most important attire you will ever wear other than your wedding gown. A job interview is the one moment you are really trying to impress someone, so it is vital that you dress for success. Remember that it is always best to be overdressed then underdressed, even if the place where you are inquiring about has a relaxed, casual dress code. Always dress conservative and be sure to cover any tattoos or piercings.

While most interviewees only think about clothing it is imperative to think about your shoes as well. Be sure to have leather shoes polished, patent leather shoes free of scuff marks. Women need to remember to wear heels but keep the heel at a reasonable height; you do not want to walk into an interview with five inch heels and shoes that you can barely walk in. This also goes along with your clothing; remember to keep your shoes conservative. You do not want to go into interview with a classic black business suit and then a pair of hot pink heels; this will just throw everything off. Also, remember if the bottoms of your shoes or soles are worn out it is best just to replace to sole or buy a new pair of shoes.

Your hair needs to be washed and combed nicely. Personally I would stay away from any vivid or “loud” hair accessories; for example, no brightly colored headbands, hair feathers, scarfs, ribbons, or extravagant hair barrettes. If you choose to wear your hair pulled back make sure it is done neatly and with neutral colored hair pieces.

Don’t forget your nails and hands. Make sure ladies to have manicured nails with a neutral polish if you choose to wear one. Also, be sure nails are trimmed and not excessively long. Keep jewelry to a minimum, wearing only one ring per hand. Men need to make sure their hands and nails are clean also; free of ink stains or dirt under nails. In addition, guys need to keep nails manicured and trimmed too.

Lastly, remember that it is not just your clothing being judged, it is the whole package of how well you present yourself. Keep it classy and conservative and remember to dress for success and to impress.

Career Advice from Monster Jobs said this:

“Your image matters because it shows your attentiveness to detail and gives recruiters an idea of how you’ll represent their company to clients, both internally and externally,” Glass concludes. “The visual message you send makes a big difference in how you’re perceived and, ultimately, whether or not you get the job.”

Here are some tips from Kim Zoller at Image Dynamics about dressing for an interview: 

Women’s Interview Attire

  • Solid color, conservative suit
  • Coordinated blouse
  • Moderate shoes
  • Limited jewelry
  • Neat, professional hairstyle
  • Tan or light hosiery
  • Sparse make-up & perfume
  • Manicured nails
  • Portfolio or briefcase

 Men’s Interview Attire  

  • Solid color, conservative suit
  • White long sleeve shirt
  • Conservative tie
  • Dark socks, professional shoes
  • Very limited jewelry
  • Neat, professional hairstyle
  • Go easy on the aftershave
  • Neatly trimmed nails
  • Portfolio or briefcase

What Not to Wear on an Interview By Alison Doyle, Guide

What Not to Wear on a Job Interview

  • Flip-flops or sneakers.
  • Underwear (bras, bra straps, briefs, boxers, etc.) that is visible. Don’t wear any underwear that shows – even if your bra straps match your top.
  • Shorts.
  • Jeans.
  • Skirts that are too short.
  • Pants that are too low-rise or too tight.
  • Blouses that are too low-cut or too short – don’t show your cleavage or your belly.
  • More on underwear and low-rise pants – make sure the top of your thong, if you wear one, doesn’t show above your pants.

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